Friday, February 3, 2012

Langston Hughes' Poetry

Hello 6th Grade Students!

This week we read poems by Harlem Rennaissance legend, Langston Hughes. From reading "Motto" and "Poem," which was your favorite and why? Please give detailed reasons and explanations for why you chose that poem.


  1. I really liked both the poems because the Motto was Jazzy and fun also happy but I also liked Poem because it is touching you and every one can relate to it but i have to say my favorite was Poem because again everyone can relate to that and the author feels sad about it and can't talk about it anymore.

  2. Out of the two poem's that Langston Hughes wrote, I personally like "Motto" better because of it's jazzy rhythm, and I also enjoyed the rhyme scheme more. However I have to say that the poem "Poem" was a nice and touching poem and as we said in class everybody could relate to it in their own way, according to their own life.

  3. Out of these two poems that Langston Hughes wrote personally I enjoyed "Motto" more because of it's rhythm and it's rhyme scheme. However I also enjoyed "Poem" too because i was a very nice and touching poem about the girl and her friend. Also how we said in class everybody could relate to it in their point of view relating it to their own life.

  4. Out of both those great poems I personally liked Motto better because it was a fun, cool, and a JAZZY poem. On the other hand Poem was a sweet story put in very few words, which allows the reader to relate to it in their own way...

  5. out of the poems i enjoyed and liked the most was "Motto". I liked "Motto" the nest because i like how it was jazzy. But,"Poem" was a written very short but meant allot. They were both good.

  6. motto i like how he described his life in a peom and jazz style

  7. Motto was the best one because it had rhythm and groove

  8. well i think that the best one was "poem". it was very simple and you can put your own thought in the story, how ever you want. what ever person that comes into your mind first, is the one that you will think of throughout this whole poem.
    -sofia osmanian

  9. I liked " motto" because it was fun to read and had a groove. But I liked poem too because it shows how the friends loved each other but something happened and we have to interpret that "something."

  10. i liked poem more because i think alot of people can relate to it in any way that they want because we all have different emotions. But i liked motto to because it puts you in a good mood

  11. Out of the two that Langston Hughes wrote I personally liked "Motto" best because it had a jazzy rythem to it. When it says " I play it cool, I dig all jive, that the reason I stay alive" and his motto is "Dig and be dug in return."

  12. Motto because of the jazz rythem it made me feel calm

  13. My favorite was poem because it had feeling to it like when it said I have nothing more to say the poem ends as soft as it began like their friendship
